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The vast majority of people have no idea where water goes after they flush. Water is central to the protection of public and environmental health, development of strong communities, and enhancing sustainable economy. The USA Hack focuses on developing programs to increase public acceptance and ownership of their contribution to the circular economy through water resource recovery.

Over the course of 8 days, talented people between the ages of 20 and 35 will engage in co-creation with peers and experts to solve pressing SDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) challenges. The break-down of all the important dates related to this Hack are listed below:

March 25, 2022 - Team Hack Registration Deadline

March 27, 2022 - UNLEASH Hacks Teams Notified Of Participation

March 31, 2022 - UNLEASH Hacks Happy Hour on Remo

April 2 & 9, 2022 - Two Full Days of Hacking via Zoom 

Deadline to apply is March 25, 2022.

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UNLEASH is a global innovation lab for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The lab gathers talented youth to solve some of our world’s most critical challenges. The first UNLEASH Hacks were held around the world in 2020 to develop SDG solutions. 

UNLEASH Hacks are independently organized events with support from the UNLEASH Secretariat. In 2020, the USA Hack focused on solutions for homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2021, the USA Hack focused on wastewater solutions in the Alabama Black Belt.

During the Hacks, participants go through an immersive innovation process facilitated by UNLEASH-trained facilitators and collaborate on solutions that solve important challenges in their local communities. They learn from experts and members of their community to ensure the novel ideas are truly fit for the people most in need.

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Megan Yoo Schneider_edited.jpg


Client Account Leadership, Accenture
2022 UNLEASH Ambassador



Wastewater Engineer/Design Engineer, 
Brown and Caldwell

Maile Lono Batura_edited.jpg


Director of Sustainable Biosolids Products, Water Environment Federation



Practice Leader for Global Sustainability, Water Environment Federation

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Image by annie pm


Home: FAQ


Do I apply as a team or an individual?

Participants must apply individually. Teams will be formed prior to the hack based on the skills and backgrounds provided in the applications. Participants will work as part of the assigned team for the duration of the Hack.

The age range for Talents is advertised as "20-35" and I fall outside those boundaries, can I still apply? 

Yes! We are looking for applicants who are passionate about propelling the Sustainable Development Goals and have a desire to help develop solutions. 

Do I need to have prior experience in the specific hack topic or with the innovation process?

While familiarity and experience with the topic is a plus, it is not required in order to apply. Prior knowledge of the UNLEASH structured innovation process is not required. 

Does it cost anything to apply or attend the UNLEASH USA Hack?

No, it costs nothing to apply or attend the UNLEASH USA Hack. If selected, participants will only need access to a computer and internet.

Do I need to be a current or former resident of Hawaii in order to apply for the UNLEASH USA Hack?

No, you do not need to be a current or former resident of Hawaii in order to apply. Participants from across North America are welcome to apply.


Will I meet my team prior to the actual hack? 

Participants will be provided the opportunity to meet their team members prior to the hack. 

What tools do I need to participate in the Hack?

Given software and platform limitations, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer during the 2 days of the Hack. Dialing in from your phone will take away from the visual content and your ability to partake in the event. 

You should also have relatively stable internet connectivity in order to ensure that your participation with your team members is as continuous as possible.

How much time should I expect to dedicate to the Hack between April 2 and April 9?

The formal program will run approximately 10am-7pm EST on April 2 and 9. Expect to spend time working with your team during the week between the two main hack days.

What does a “Problem-Solving” hack mean? 

Problem-Solving is arguably the most important part of the structured innovation process. Participants will ideate and develop ways to inform and engage the public about their ownership and role in the circular economy surrounding water. Participants will dive deep to develop solutions anchored in their well-rounded understanding of the problem. Learn more about UNLEASH here.


Are there partnership and/or sponsorship opportunities for this event? 

Absolutely! We are interested in partnering with organizations that share our hope of providing tangible and meaningful solutions to this community. Please email with “Partnership” in the subject line. We would love to schedule a time to speak with you. 

I am an expert in the Hack topic. How can I get involved?

Experts are critical to supporting participants as they develop solutions. We would love to include you as a mentor to the Hack teams during April 2 and 9, or to host office hours during the intervening week. Please email with "Expert" in the subject line.

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